It all starts in your mind – with an idea. Your (project) idea then slowly begins to take shape.
Soon you will have reached a point where your day-to-day business will not leave you with all the time you need for developing your project idea further.
It is at this critical point where we come in. We develop your project idea for you, taking it to the necessary milestones and decision gates, performing studies and organising expert opinions and pre-projects along the way.
Our experts ask the right questions and bring your project to the point of decision-making. We will provide precisely those specialists from our pool who cover the individual project areas perfectly.
It goes without saying that we can offer efficient support in all phases of your project, or successfully implement the project in its entirety for you; or we make experts and project management tools available – always depending on your requirements.
Browse the next pages and see for yourself how we can support you in implementing your projects.

Project Management
We are experienced in the handling of small and large, highly complex and simple projects, projects with short implementation periods and others that take more time.
No matter what type of project you have in hand, the phases are almost always comparable and we have the right experts who are familiar with the situation and its challenges plus all the tailored project management tools essential for each of these phases.
We can manage the whole project for you or assign the best qualified experts to individual tasks.
In addition to our own staff, we can draw on a wide network of specialists to find the best person for your task.
PM Tools
In the course of our project management work, we have developed some highly effective project management tools, templates, forms and procedures and brought them to perfection in the many projects that we have completed.
These tools support our project managers in their work and guarantee the success of your project.
Project manuals, scheduling templates, project progress checks, risk analyses and finely tuned forms covering the multitude of project steering activities that need to be carried out are just a few of the many means we have developed and optimised in our many years of project work.
Project Check / Benchmarking
We will be glad to compare your project with other projects stored in our database – this enables us to give you a fast and accurate picture of the prospects of success of your project. Moreover if there is any potential for improvement in your project, our benchmark test will reveal it.
We have established an archive of some 400 data points for each of the many projects we carried out, i.e. we can fall back on an excellent basis of comparison.
We recommend a first benchmark is set as early as possible, since many decisions for the continued success of a project must be taken right at the start.
It goes without saying that we assure efficient management of your project from the word go. It will be a pleasure for us to assist you in bringing out the potential identified for your project.
Claim Management
It is a fact that things in business do not always run as smoothly as intended!
If you hit turbulence the causes need to be identified early and reliably; effective measures to minimise the damage need to be taken promptly to re-establish the intended status as quickly as possible.
We are here to support you in such a situation and will be pleased to organise, handle and monitor any necessary measures required for remediation.
Effective claims management begins long before any claims are pending of course, i.e. by exhausting all possible preventive measures for ruling out claims to begin with and/or by establishing (contractual) action for simple enforcement of any claims filed at a later point in time.
This, in turn, requires clear-cut project orders (contracts) with clearly defined project goals. It is also expedient to reach agreements on how to handle any changes in project goals and similar events.
When we are entrusted with the management of a whole project, we will focus on all of these contingencies in your project from the start.
Quality assurance
Small causes may have big effects. Increasingly short project cycle times and ever more complex production processes increase the pressure on suppliers and project partners.
Quality assurance of all the provided services and supplies is therefore of the essence in order to reach the defined project specifications.
We will draw up a quality assurance plan for your project covering all organisational and technical monitoring measures to be taken before and during the project to ensure that the objectives specified in the project order can be achieved.
We will monitor compliance with the goals, with project standards and other specifications and, if the need arises, will take corrective action in due time.
When we are entrusted with the management of a whole project, we will focus on all of these contingencies in your project from the start.